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Dear 18yr old me.,
 He will break your heart for the next 8 years and then get engaged to anther girl 6 months after you break up for the last time. Don't worry, she eventually cheats on him and you end up with your Prince Charming.
-30yr old me. xx
Dear Young Me,
 Thank you for leaving behind a big negative city, to persue even bigger dreams. You saved yourself.
-Love, A survivor.
Dear Young me,
 Don't waste your time with regret. Learn from your decisions, both good and bad, and move on. You'll be a better person for it.
-Older me
Dear Young Me,
 Do not drunkenly kiss your family friend in Cancun. You'll lose your boyfriend and be miserable for 6 months.
-Sincerely, Regretful Older Me
Dear Young Me,
 Being good at math and science is not a bad thing and it can make you a lot of money. Those kids have mean words, but you will survive and prosper.
-Love, older engineer you
Dear Young Me,
 You made all the right decisions. You're heart gets broken over and over but its all so you end up here. Make all your mistakes because they make you better.
-Battered beaten but stronger me
Dear Young Me,
 Instead of that kiss goodbye, slap him. He has a girlfriend.
-There's better. :)
Dear younger me,
 You should have kept your mouth shut. You shouldn't have started smoking (esp. not that young). You should have drunk less and spent more time at the gym. You should have pushed and worked harder to go abroad. You should've been more careful. God only knows what you should have done about her or him
-Still figuring it all out
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