Dear Young Me,
Don't let her get away. She might be scared now, but she's the most incredible girl in the world, and worth everything. Fight for her.
-Older You
Dear Young Me,
Let go of your Anger. Love yourself. And let others Love you too.
-Older Me
Dear Young Me,
If your intuition and all your friends tell you that he's cheating on you. BELIEVE THEM! He has been the whole time and he will never stop no matter how many promises he makes. You deserve better,and don't worry,you will find it as soon as you get out of this dead-end relationship.
-me in 10 years,so much happier!
Dear Young Me,
I'm proud of you for spending all that time trying to become an amazing person because you think no girl will ever be interested in you because you're overweight.
-signed you'll grow out it
Dear young me,
Get active! You will become fatter with age and it's gonna be alot harder to loose the weight than it was to gain.
-Plus size Self
Dear Marie,
Shut the fuck up and stop following the crowd. And " getting along with " everybody. Thats too much for you to handle. just be you if you wanna be quiet so be it. If you wanna be an ass so be it. There are people who'd ' feel ya'. Time tells it all.
Dear Young Me,
stop trying to be like someone else so a guy will like you. One day, you'll wake up and realize that you miss the old you.
- Confident Me
Dear Young Me,
Reep in the benefits of others when you do not create your own. Share your profit when others have none. The savings you have get a car and a house! Way to start saving in second grade!
-Older Me.