Dear Young Me,
Disney isn't lying. You'll get a knight and shining armor riding a valiant steed. Only his armor will be Kevlar and his steed will be a tank.
Dear Young Me,
Fuck what everyone else thinks. If she made you happy, you didn't waste your time.
-She was the one
Dear younger me,
Thanks for being so strong. Things really did get better.
-A happier me.
Dear Young Me,
Don't be afraid to be yourself, the right people will love you for being exactly that.
-Trust Me I Know
Dear Young Me,
Tell him you like him. He's only chasing her because he thinks he can't have you. Once you tell him, he'll be all yours.
Dear Young Me,
THE ONE? He's standing right next to you. He's the best thing that'll ever happen to you. Let him love you.
-the luckiest girl in the world
Dear Young Me,
Yes he's gay, yes he will break up with you, and yes, he will become your bestfriend.
-Older me.
Dear Young Me,
When you go to college, don't bring the boy with you. You'll have more fun without him ;)
-Older Me.