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Dear Me,
 Don't be polite and offer him the fudge that's in your dorm room.
- He rapes you.
Dear Young Me,
 On September 11, 2001, tell Daddy not to go into work. If not, he won't be coming home. :/
-Fatherless for 10 years.
Dear Young Me,
 Don't fight with Mom. Spend as much time with her and talk to her as much as possible and the day they tell you whats wrong, don't leave her side for anything. Be there to say goodbye.
-Signed, I miss her so much
Dear Young Me,
 remember when you danced and jogged and biked to work ? well, you really should havekept those good habits alive. Remember that purple jumpsuit you bought after basic training? What was that a size 12 maybe ? and you thought you were fat..HA ! you had no idea how lovely you were then. so, if this message somehow comes to you sometime in 1980, trust me...HEED THE MESSAGE !!! Do you really want to be single, fat, out of shape and hypertensive at 47 ? Didn't think so. And be much nicer to your will be hell to watch her die.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
 I'm sorry for fucking things up so badly. You're in for hell. Enjoy.
-Older Me.
Dear Young Me,
 Fuck what everyone else thinks. If she made you happy, you didn't waste your time.
-She was the one
Dear Young Me,
 He really was the one, eventually... it stops hurting...
-Signed, still in love
Dear Young Me,
 The siblings you long to be loved by, will eventually not mean anything to you. You will become more successful than all of them put together. The only people who cared for you were your parents - who have been dead for more than 20 years now. All your experiences, good and bad, will add up one day.
-Wiser Me.
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